
A call for the abolition of torture

Maryknoll leadership endorsed this statement in June 2004.

Maryknoll missioners call for the abolition of torture

Recognizing that June 26 is the United Nations International Day in Support of Torture Victims and Survivors, Maryknoll missioners join communities of faith and people of good will around the world in calling for the abolition of torture. Our faith is rooted in the absolute belief in the sacredness of each human life. We abhor the violation of life that torture represents.

As missioners we have seen the devastating physical, psychological, emotional and societal effects of torture in too many corners of the world. We have accompanied survivors of torture, among them members of our own communities.

Once again we unequivocally reject the use of torture in any form and for any reason.

We commit ourselves to continued advocacy nationally and internationally for an end to torture, to exposing the horrible reality of torture and to supporting the survivors of torture whenever possible.

We are grateful for the important work of the Torture Abolition and Survivors Support Coalition (TASSC) and of other organizations committed to ending this appalling abuse. We believe that giving voice to survivors of torture is a matter of justice and an efficacious route to the abolition of torture by anyone anywhere.

Approved by Maryknoll leadership, June 2004