

Find links to the final document produced by the Amazon Synod, a pastoral letter on immigration and racism by Bishop Seitz of El Paso, analysis of the crisis in Haiti, and much more. 

The following resources were listed in the November-December 2019 issue of NewsNotes. 

  1. Read a statement from the Catholic bishops of Zimbabwe on the death of former president Robert Mugabe:
  2. Read a statement from the South African Bishops Commission on the recent outcry against gender-based violence in South Africa:
  3. Read about the final document produced at the Synod on the Amazon in October:
  4. Plan now to attend Ecumenical Advocacy Days (EAD) in Washington, D.C., April 24 – 27. The theme is “Imagine! God’s Earth and People Restored.” More information is available at, or contact the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns.
  5. Read this statement from 42 organizations in Central America, Mexico, and the United States on how the migration crisis affects Central Americans:
  6. Learn about the ongoing crisis in Haiti from the Quixote Center :
  7. Read Maryknoll Affiliate Renate Schneider’s report on the current conditions in her town in Haiti:
  8. Join the Back from the Brink campaign, a grassroots effort to abolish nuclear weapons through action at the local level:
  9. Download “Search for Justice and Peace in the Holy Land,” a five-week curriculum on peace and politics in the Holy Land from Churches for Middle East Peace: 
  10. Read the speech given by Honduran defenders of the environment as they accepted the Letelier-Moffit Award for Human Rights in Washington D.C:
  11. Watch a new 8-minute video, “What if  we Nuke a City?” by Kurzgesagt and the ICRC on the catastrophic consequences of a nuclear attack:
  12. Read the Canadian bishops’ statement calling on the government of Canada to sign the nuclear ban treaty:
  13. Read “Night Will Be No More,” the latest pastoral letter by Bishop Mark Seitz of El Paso on the intersecting issues of race, gun violence, racially motivated attacks on Latinos in the United States, and the ongoing militarization of the border. Stay tuned for a small group study guide:
  14. Read about Maryknoll Lay Missioner Sami Scott’s income-generating project with hens in Gros Morne, Haiti:
  15. Order a copy of Pax Christi USA’s Advent 2019 booklet, “The Time to Be Awake”: Daily reflections on the Advent Lectionary readings with questions for contemplation or discussion: 
  16. Read this short, spiritual reflection on integral ecology from the Canadian relief agency, Development and Peace:
  17. Read an amicus brief filed in the Supreme Court by 127 religious organizations, including MOGC, in support of the DACA program:
  18. Find more resources on the Synod on the Amazon, including interviews with indigenous women about their opinions on the Synod by Maryknoll Lay Missioner Kathy Bond: 
  19. Join us online on December 1 to pray for those living with HIV and AIDS and for those whose lives were cut short due to HIV or AIDS. Add your name and the time when you wish to pray on December 1 to the list: