UN: Ten acts for safe global migration
Civil society organizations at the UN concluded their consultations on the proposed “Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration” in December with a 15-page report entitled “Ten Acts for the Global Compact.” The report lists actions needed to ensure that human mobility, envisioned as a normal and inescapable fact of life, will be safe and provide migrants with opportunities for human development. The following are excerpts from the report which has been given to UN member nations participating in negotiations scheduled for February to July 2018.
Civil society organizations at the UN concluded their consultations on the proposed “Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration” in December with a 15-page report entitled “Now and How: Ten ACTS for the Global Compact” The report lists actions needed to ensure that human mobility, envisioned as a normal and inescapable fact of life, will be safe and provide migrants with opportunities for human development. The following excerpts from the report were published in an article in the March-April 2018 issue of NewsNotes.
… “All human beings have the same universal human rights and fundamental freedoms. This includes all people on the move…” … “Issues of safe movement, labor rights, decent living conditions, family reunification, inclusion, discrimination, reintegration needs and returns are critical for migrants and refugees alike. To do justice to these realities, we urge states to take a comprehensive approach to the Global Compact” …
“Three principles for a Compact worth agreeing to:
Principle of purpose – The Compact must directly benefit migrants, refugees and societies …
Principle of progress – The Global Compact must build upon [existing laws, agreements, regulations] …
Principle of participation – Civil society, including migrants, refugees and diaspora organizations, must be meaningfully part of the discussion and solutions” …
[Click here to read the full report.] The report contains the following graphic describing the ten acts: