Maryknoll OGC Joins Faith Letter Inviting Congress to Event on Nuclear Disarmament

Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns joined 15 faith groups in a letter to Congressional staffers with an invitation to Congressman Jim McGovern’s Special Order focusing on the pressing issues surrounding nuclear weapons. Read as a PDF. November 5, 2024 Subject: Invitation to Participate in Special Order on Nuclear Weapons on November 13 Dear [name of…

Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns joined 15 faith groups in a letter to Congressional staffers with an invitation to Congressman Jim McGovern’s Special Order focusing on the pressing issues surrounding nuclear weapons. Read as a PDF.

November 5, 2024

Subject: Invitation to Participate in Special Order on Nuclear Weapons on November 13

Dear [name of staffer],

We, the undersigned 15 faith organizations, come together to invite you to participate in a Special Order in the House of Representatives on Wednesday, November 13. After votes have concluded on November 13, Congressman Jim McGovern will be hosting a Special Order focusing on the pressing issues surrounding nuclear weapons. Given your commitment to nuclear arms control and risk reduction, we encourage your participation to elevate critical concerns at this pivotal time.

Our faith traditions call upon us to prioritize international cooperation, seek peace, and reject nuclear saber rattling that makes the world less safe. Currently, arms control talks remain at a standstill and nuclear spending continues to skyrocket. At this pivotal time, this Special Order is a unique opportunity for your office to reinvigorate the conversation around the need to preserve existing nuclear guardrails, develop ethical safeguards, roll back increased nuclear spending, and work for justice for those impacted by the nuclear weapons industry.

Key issues to address include:

Escalating Risks of Nuclear Conflict: With all the major nuclear weapons states modernizing their arsenals and New START set to expire in 2026, the risks of an arms race is growing. Engaging in a nuclear buildup would be reckless and counterproductive.

The Unnecessity of Increased Nuclear Spending: Current U.S. nuclear capabilities are more than sufficient to deter adversaries. More spending on nuclear weapons deemphasizes humanitarian needs and undermines international stability.

Pursuing Alternatives to Nuclear Modernization: We must pursue strategies that emphasize diplomacy and arms control over costly modernization projects.

Advocating for U.S.-Led Diplomacy on Disarmament: Supporting diplomatic efforts to cap and reduce nuclear arsenals can prevent a dangerous arms race. We must call for negotiations that limit warhead deployments and promote mutual security.

Justice for Victims of Nuclear Weapons Programs: Extending and expanding the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act is pivotal to providing compensation and justice to Indigenous and many other communities whose benefits would lapse without passage of RECA.

If you are interested in participating, please reach out to Cindy Buhl ( in Congressman McGovern’s office for coordination and further details. Attached are talking points prepared by the Arms Control Association that may aid in your office’s preparations.

Thank you for considering this important opportunity to advocate for a safer, nuclear-free world.


Alliance of Baptists

Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd, U.S. Provinces

Dorothy Day Catholic Worker, Washington DC

Franciscan Action Network

Friends Committee on National Legislation Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns Mennonite Central Committee U.S.

National Advocacy Center of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd

Pax Christi USA

Pax Christi Metro DC-Baltimore

Sisters of Mercy of the Americas – Justice Team

Soka Gakkai International – USA

The Episcopal Church

The United Church of Christ

The United Methodist Church – General Board of Church and Society

Photo of the nuclear cloud over Nagasaki courtesy of the National Archives.