Two-pagers, articles, documentaries, events, webinars
The following article was published in the May-June 2023 issue of NewsNotes.
- Joint Statement on the “Doctrine of Discovery” by the Dicasteries for Culture and Education and for Promoting Integral Human Development made Mar. 30
- Report: Indigenous Peoples’ Declaration for the 2023 United Nations Water Conference signed by 74 Indigenous groups and organizations and five supporting organizations
- Report on Root Causes Initiative: “Resetting U.S. Priorities Toward Central America: Year two assessment of the Biden-Harris root causes strategy” by the Hope Border Institute
- Two-pager on immigration changes: “The Biden Administration’s Proposed Third-Country Transit Ban For Asylum Seekers” by U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, Migration and Refugee Services
- Article: “Churches in the Philippines call for protection of human rights and its defenders” from Oikoumene
- Webinar recording: “Human Rights in the Philippines” hosted by Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns
- Webinar recording: “Overcoming Violence in Wounded Societies: Perspectives from the Colombian and Kenyan Truth Commissions” webinar by Notre Dame Keough School of Global Affairs
- Recording: “Human Dignity and the Migration Crisis at the U.S. Southern Border” conversation hosted by the Georgetwon Initiative on Catholic Social Thought and Public Life
- Documentary: Torture in Our Name by National Religious Campaign Against Torture on the effects of solitary confinement
- Documentary: The Letter about Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’ at
- Meditate with the 100 Bows from Jeju Island. Find video and text of the meditations used by activists who walk and bow for peace outside of the military base on Jeju island
- Webinar: Stand with Iraqi Christians hosted virtually by Christians for Middle East Peace on May 10 at 2:30pm et.
- Webinar: Fast and Pray for Tent of Nations in advance of the upcoming court hearing regarding the farm’s reregistration, hosted virtually by Christians for Middle East Peace on May 12 at 12:30pm et.
- Event: Laudato Si’ and the Catholic Church virtual conference in the evenings from Jun. 14 – Jul. 25.
- Event: Korea Peace Advocacy Days, to be held virtually June 5-9 and hosted by Women Cross DMZ. Register by May 12 at
- Event: Jubilee International Debt Crises Day of Action to be held by Jubilee USA in Albany, NY on May 2 from 9am to 5pm
- Celebrate Africa Day on May 25. The annual commemoration of the creation of the Organization of African Unity, formerly known as African Freedom Day
- Prayer – Africa Renewal: A Prayer of Gratitude, Repentance, and Commitment
- Maryknoll Lay Missioners Webinar: Join us on Jun. 6, 6pm et to learn about Maryknoll Lay Missioners and discern if mission is right for you.
- New Maryknoll Sisters Podcast: Empowering Youth in East Timor with Sr. Susan Wangazi, MM.
- New Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers Podcast: The Roots of Ecological Mission with Fr. Larry Radice, M.M
- Maryknoll Missioners Webinars: Enabling Others to Engage in Mission in the Andes with Fr. Stephen Judd, M.M, May 25 at 4pm ET. Reg-ister and find recordings of other webinars at