

The following Resources were published in the January-February 2023 issue of NewsNotes. Explainer on COP15, the UN Conference on Biodiversity, produced by the Laudato Si’ Movement. COP15 reflection by Josianne Gauthier, secretary general of CIDSE, an international family of Catholic social justice organisations. Interview: “The Youth Voice is the Voice of Hope, of…

The following Resources were published in the January-February 2023 issue of NewsNotes.

  1. Explainer on COP15, the UN Conference on Biodiversity, produced by the Laudato Si’ Movement.
  2. COP15 reflection by Josianne Gauthier, secretary general of CIDSE, an international family of Catholic social justice organisations.
  3. Interview: “The Youth Voice is the Voice of Hope, of the Future, and Action” with Representative of Youth at UN Climate Talks COP27, Francisca Ziniel from Ghana.
  4. Report: “Scaling Investment in Renewable Energy Generation: Roadblocks and Drivers” by The Columbia Center
  5. Report: “The Role of Investment Treaties and Investor–State Dispute Settlement in Renewable Energy Investments” by The Columbia Center
  6. Video: Sustainable Agriculture, a presentation by Maryknoll Lay Missioner Peg Vamosy
  7. Video: Ecological Solidarity Updates by the Alliance for Global Justice
  8. Two-minute video featuring Sr. Abby Avelino, MM, international coordinator of Talitha Kum, talking about the International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking, to be celebrated on Feb. 8, 2023.
  9. Josephine Bakhita Prayer: For the victims of Human Trafficking and their patron saint.
  10. Nonviolence and Social Analysis in Mission: Download the two-page explainer on nonviolence and how it can be integrated into mission work
  11. Pax Christi USA Vow of Nonviolence: To be pronounced privately, with a local peace community, as part of a parish liturgy, or any other way that suits you. Many profess the Vow each year as part of their New Year observance. Printable version available at
  12. Back from the Brink – Call to prevent nuclear war: Many local and national organizations have endorsed the “Back from the Brink” resolution. Are you associated with a group that might support this? Introduce this resolution at your church, synagogue, civic group, medical association, university, or municipality.  
  13. World Day of Peace Message given by Pope Francis for the celebration Jan. 1, 2023.
  14. Close Guantanamo Rally held in front of the White House on Lafayette park Jan. 11, 1pm ET hosted by the National Religious Campaign Against Torture (NRCAT)
  15. Prayer for the Closing of Guantanamo offered by NRCAT for the 21st anniversary of the Guantanamo detention facility’s inception
  16. Book review: “Conversations with Cardinal Gergorio Rosa Chavez” published by the National Catholic Reporter on the Salvadoran Cardinal’s relationship with the Archbishop Romero and his work in the turbulence of the Civil War.
  17. Photos: Roses in December Delegation courtesy of the SHARE Foundation El Salvador
  18. Book: “Conversations with Cardinal Gergorio Rosa Chavez” The ebook of the Spanish version is available in various formats at
  19. Book: Los 40 años del 10 de Octubre – Memorias de Nuestra Democracia A book of articles by the Fogoneros collective on the forty years of democracy in Bolivia
  20. Maryknoll Sisters Podcast: Educating the Youth in East Timor with Sr. Rolande Kahindo.
  21. Maryknoll Missioners Webinars: on Jan. 25, 2pm ET, join Maryknoll Missioners for “Experience Life-Changing Immersion Trips with Maryknoll.” In the most recent webinar, Fr. Joe Healey discusses “New Models of Church in Eastern Africa”