

Find resources for refugees during COVID-19, preparation materials for the 5th anniversary of Laudato Si’, statements in support of the call for a global ceasefire, and much more. 

The following resources were listed in the MayJune 2020 issue of NewsNotes.

1. Learn more about the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for 2030 by exploring the educational resources of the SDG Academy, including short courses:

2. From ICAN, the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, read about the tradeoffs of governmental spending on nuclear weapons instead of healthcare during this pandemic:

3. Find updates on how refugees and asylum seekers can get access to aid through the recent federal stimulus bills in response to the coronavirus crisis:

4. The Latin America Working Group (LAWG) and partners are putting together resources with information about COVID-19 for those who speak indigenous languages (neither Spanish nor English), including audio, video and print materials:

5. Explore this teaching tool by the Latin America Working Group (LAWG) about how corruption fuels forced migration, and how the international community must act against corruption:

6. Read a pastoral letter by the Zimbabwe Catholic Bishops’ Conference on the 40th anniversary of the founding of the modern nation of Zimbabwe. The Bishops call for the government to prioritize the welfare of the majority and the poor:

7. Read a new report from Alliance for Peacebuilding: “Getting From Here to There: Successful Implementation of the Global Fragility Act.” The report focuses on a newly passed piece of legislation, The Global Fragility Act, which means to prevent systemic violence in fragile nations:

8. Read Pax Christi International’s statement in support of the call for a global ceasefire during the novel coronavirus pandemic:

9. Read a letter from Jubilee USA Network, and signed by our office, to the IMF, G20, and the White House calling for debt relief and cancellation for impoverished nations fighting the coronavirus pandemic.

10. Explore resources for the 5th anniversary of Pope Francis’s Laudato Si’ from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops: These include graphics which help Catholics understand the connections between life issues and the call to care for creation:

11. Fr. Rick Bauer, MM, contributed to a World Health Organization document, “Practical considerations and recommendations for religious leaders and faith-based communities in the context of COVID-19”:

12. Check out a briefing paper and join a campaign by ICAN to promote divestment by major companies from the production of nuclear weapons

13 . Read a statement signed by Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns and many other organizations calling for international action to help protect the indigenous peoples of the Amazon from a COVID-19 outbreak:

14. In case your homeschooling needs a little enrichment: UN Environment Program & TEDEd have teamed up to create Earth School, 30 days of on-line lessons on the environment and how we live in it:

15. Read this statement by Churches for Middle East Peace in support of the Holy Father’s call for a global ceasefire:

16. The Advocacy Network for Africa has put forth a statement calling on the international community to take certain steps to help African nations combat the COVID-19 pandemic:
17. Read articles on how COVID-19 is changing the landscape of nonviolent social movements around the globe from the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict:


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