U.S. NGO statement of support for new Global Food Security Act
The MOGC and colleagues signed the following statement in support of the Global Food Security Act of 2013.
U.S. NGO statement of support for new Global Food Security Act
Signed by the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns, Lutheran World Relief, InterAction and other colleagues.
July 2013 — As organizations engaged in efforts to end global hunger and malnutrition, we welcome the introduction of the Global Food Security Act of 2013 by Representatives Betty McCollum (MN-4), Aaron Schock (IL-18) and James McGovern (MA-2). These members of Congress are well-known leaders in the fight against global hunger and malnutrition, as well as champions of small-scale farmers’ efforts to lift themselves out of poverty. [Bill is posted as PDF file at bottom of this page.]
The bipartisan Global Food Security Act is a positive step forward in building the political will needed to end global hunger and malnutrition in this generation. The Act sets forth a comprehensive strategy for assistance to developing countries to increase sustainable and equitable agricultural development, reduce global hunger, improve nutrition – especially in the 1,000 day window of opportunity – and ultimately achieve food and nutrition security.
This bill recognizes the important contribution of small-scale farming to global food and nutrition security and requires the United States to ensure that agricultural assistance to other countries includes, benefits and protects small-scale farmers, especially women farmers, and increases their resilience to shocks and stresses. It also promotes global standards of transparency and calls for strengthening programs around land tenure among small-scale farmers.
By authorizing a U.S. food security strategy that emphasizes long-term coordination and multi-sectoral integration of agriculture, nutrition and resilience-building programs across all U.S. government agencies, the Global Food Security Act seeks to enhance U.S. leadership on food and nutrition security around the world.
Additional co-sponsors of the bill include Representatives Clay, Rangel, Moore, Schakowsky, Rush, Garamendi, Honda, Moran, Polis, Kilmer and Cohen.
We look forward to continuing to work with members of Congress and the Administration to support this bill and sustainably tackle hunger and malnutrition around the world.