Thanksgiving prayer
This prayer of thanksgiving is written by Jane Deren, senior advisor for the Center of Concern’s Education for Justice project.
Prepared by Jane Deren, senior advisor to the Center of Concern’s Education for Justice project
Creator God, we ask that you move us
Beyond the poverty of mindless consumption
To the abundance of your Church’s social teachings.
We ask that you move us
Beyond our impoverished need of material things
To the richness of solidarity with our brothers and sisters
Throughout our country
And around the world.
We ask that you move us
Beyond the empty drive
to store up individual possessions
To recognize the wealth of working
For the common good.
Grace us to consider the human dignity
And the rights as well as needs
Of everyone in our local,
National and global communities
Without counting the cost,
Knowing that, as we have read
In the recounting of distribution
Of the loaves and fishes,
There is always enough
For everyone to come to the table.
We thank you
For this abundance.
In Christ’s name
We pray.
Photo copyright by Moyan Brenn