
Resources from November-December 2013 NewsNotes

Resources found in the November-December 2013 NewsNotes.

The following resources were published in the November-December 2013 NewsNotes.

Pax Christi USA’s Advent 2013, “Unshakeable Belief”: Daily reflections on the Advent Lectionary readings with questions for contemplation or discussion. Four esteemed authors share their reflections with you and ask you to pray and contemplate through Advent: Dr. Darleen Pryds, Franciscan School of Theology, Berkeley; Msgr. Ray East, Archdiocese of Washington, D.C.; Kim Mazyck, Catholic Relief Services; and Dr. Alex Mikulich, Ph.D., Loyola University New Orleans and member of the Pax Christi Anti-Racism team. Quantity breaks available at 10, 25, and 100 – member discounts and wholesale discounts available as well. Contact Resource Sales for help with an order, to get a quote, request an electronic sample, or for further details. Price: $3.50 + s/h. 814-520-6245.

First Committee briefing book: Published by Reaching Critical Will (RCW), a project of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF), this briefing book gives a quick overview of some of the most pressing issues that will be addressed at this year’s UN General Assembly First Committee on Disarmament and International Security. It also provides recommendations for governments from some of the main civil society coalitions working on these topics. (WILPF created RCW in 1999 in order to promote and facilitate engagement of non-governmental actors in UN processes related to disarmament.) Some topics addressed in the briefing book include nuclear weapons; landmines; small arms and light weapons; and gender and disarmament. The 24-page document is available as a PDF here; it is free of charge to download but donations to the RCW project are welcome.

Campaign Nonviolence: This new initiative from Pace e Bene strives to take a stand against violence and injustice by promoting and activating the power of nonviolence in our lives, our communities, our nation, and our world. At this critical turning point we are called to become people of nonviolence working to transform our world of violence into a new nonviolent culture where people everywhere practice nonviolence toward themselves, one another, and the earth and its inhabitants. To support this long-term goal, Campaign Nonviolence is launching a movement integrating education, action, and networking for nonviolent change.