New programs at the Maryknoll Mission Institute, a film from the Interfaith Drones Network, an advocacy summit from Churches for Middle East Peace, and much more.

Resources from May-June 2017 NewsNotes

New programs at the Maryknoll Mission Institute, a film from the Interfaith Drones Network, an advocacy summit from Churches for Middle East Peace, and much more.

Maryknoll Mission Institute 2017: Join continuing education and renewal programs for missioners and others engaged in cross-cultural ministries, sponsored by the Maryknoll Sisters Congregation, in Monrovia and Los Altos, California and Maryknoll, New York. Two programs NewsNotes readers may find of interest: Fr. Elias Opongo, SJ on “Structures of Sin and Personal Conversion toward Social Transformation” June 18-23 and Melanie Harris on “Eco-Womanism Wisdom” July 9-14. For a description of  these and other programs for 2017, contact the Maryknoll Mission Institute at (914) 941-7575,, or go to:

Interfaith Drones Network: Watch the new 30-minute film Moral and Safe: War, Peace, Drone Warfare, and the Religious Community, which is designed to introduce faith groups to the topic of lethal drones. Watch a preview of the film at Sign up for the link to the film at:  A study guide for group discussion is available at 

“50 Years Too Long” Advocacy Summit: Join Churches for Middle East Peace for their Advocacy Summit in Washington D.C., June 4-6. The Summit will take place at the Mount Vernon United Methodist Church. Learn more at 

Women’s March to Ban the Bomb: Join the march in New York City on June 17. Organized by the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom during the second round of the nuclear weapons ban negotiations at the UN. 

Send your comments to the EPA: The Environmental Protection Agency is seeking comments from the public on plans to revise or repeal environmental regulations. Submit your comments at 

The Lazy Person’s Guide to Saving the World: Acknowledging that each one of us can make a difference, the United Nations offers ways you can take action of the Global Goals for Sustainable Development. The guide is sectioned into three different levels of effort, ranging from things you can accomplish from the comfort of your home, like canceling paper bank statements in favor of digital ones, to things you can do while you’re out and about, like grabbing a bit less than an indulgent handful of napkins at the neighborhood cafe.

Instruments of Pain (II): Conflict and Famine in South Sudan: Read this eight-page report from the International Crisis Group on the roots of the crisis in South Sudan and the measures necessary to prevent further deterioration. 

Animated Resettlement Guide Video for People Affected by Dam Development: Watch this 10-minute animation video by International Rivers on the process of resettlement caused by large dam projects. The video educates affected communities on their rights during resettlement. 

Freedom’s Journey, Understanding Human Trafficking: Explore this guide by Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work at the University of Southern California on the areas where trafficking is most prevalent, the forms of exploitation that exist, and the root causes of this epidemic. Find more resources on this topic at 

No One Should Be Forced From Home: Download this four-page fact sheet on the intersection of immigration, trade, and climate by the Sierra Club. 

Food Sustainability Index: Explore this ranking on the sustainability of food systems of 25 countries across three themes: Food Loss and Waste, Sustainable Agriculture, and Nutritional Challenges. The index contains three types of key performance indicators: environmental, societal, and economic.