21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
Fr. Jack Northrup reflects on his ministry in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico: "The God of our Lord Jesus Christ is constantly drawing all of us to life, no matter what bleak prisons we may have made for ourselves. Because of God’s choice to constantly offer the free gift of grace to the most needy, we can wake from our sleep, from the illusions of happiness that this world offers. At this very moment we can choose life in its fullness."
20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Susan Weissert, who worked as a lay missioner for many years in South America and at the Maryknoll center in New York, asks: Can we look back on our actions/words/decisions today and see that they were shaped by love of God and love of neighbor?
Middle East Notes August 14, 2012
This week’s Middle East Notes includes several pieces on the implications of and responses to the recently released Levy Report, and on developments in the Occupied Territories that portray the present Government of Israel utilizing a failed peace process to extend control over the Occupied Territories.
19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Former lay missioner Jean Walsh shares a reflection on her time in Oaxaca, Mexico, and how the lessons from the Oaxacan farmers' commitment to the Earth can lead us to more sustainable, integrated lives.
18th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sr. Luise Ahrens, who has spent many years in Cambodia, writes in this week's reflections about the challenges of living in a interconnected world ... How do we make choices that are clarified by God's wisdom? How can we live a life formed and informed by the Spirit of Jesus?
17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
In this week's reflection, Fr. Tom Marti recalls his service in the Philippines, and that beautiful nation's efforts to reverse the devastating ecological destruction it has experienced in recent decades.
Ecological economics: A special series
As humanity faces the reality of exhausting a number of key natural resources, we realize that our economy, which is fundamentally built on the concept of never-ending exponential growth, must drastically change if we are going to live within the confines of a finite planet, Earth. This series of six articles, written by Dave Kane, looks at ecological economics and the idea of a steady state economy that will provide livelihoods while fitting within the footprint of Earth. The series was published in NewsNotes in 2009 and was updated in 2012.
16th Sunday in Ordinary Time
The scripture reflection for July 22 is written by Sr. Rebecca Macugay, who writes of her native Philippines and her mission home in Namibia: "How do we shepherd each other in the paths of justice, in our communities and in our home, planet earth?"
Middle East Notes July 12, 2012
This week’s Middle East Notes includes materials on the settlements, the IDF, a detailed history on the separation barrier and its effects on Palestinians and Israelis alike, and a present Israeli policy to drive Palestinians and Bedouins from the Jordan Valley.
July-August 2012 NewsNotes
This issue of NewsNotes includes articles on recent protests in Peru, an update on Sudan and South Sudan, a report from the Rio+20 Earth Summit, and much more ...
15th Sunday in Ordinary Time
This week's reflection was written by Maryknoll lay missioner Heidi Cerneka, who works in prison ministry in Brazil.
13th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Maryknoll lay missioner Dave Kane shares about his life with recyclers in Brazil.