In recent decades, and particularly after the Supreme Court ruling on Citizens United, corporations have gained more rights that often trump the common good. Everyday people from Detroit to Malaysia struggle to feed their families, to have access to clean water and farmland, or to earn fair wages while corporations are increasing their privileges and decreasing their accountability to the broader community.
The Faith Economy Ecology Transformation Working Group is hosting a four-part webinar series with faith leaders, experts on corporate power, and advocates for change. The series will explore how the role of corporations in society has changed over time, what positive alternative forms of corporations exist, and how people of faith can play an active role in confronting corporate power on a local, national, and international scale.
Each webinar will be held 4-5 pm Eastern standard time on the following dates:
- October 1: A Paradigm Shift in the Understanding of Corporations- David Korten and Prof. Bill Quigley (Loyola University) Use this link to listen to the recording of this webinar
- October 15: Alternative Forms of Corporations- John Duda (Democracy Collaborative), Heather Van Dusen (B Lab), Prof. Ed Lorenz (Alma College) Use this link to listen to the recording of this webinar
- November 5: National Campaigns to Diminish Corporate Power- Robert Weissman (Public Citizen), Mateo Nube (Movement Generation)
- November 19: Taking Action to Address International Corporate Power- Kirsten Cross (Corporate Accountability International), Melinda St. Louis (Public Citizen-Global Trade Watch)
See registration information here.
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1. Make sure the email confirmation and instructions from Institute for Policy Studies are not in your spam folder.
2. When clicking on the webinar link, follow the instructions for using your computer's VOIP system for audio OR elect to use your telephone to call in using the audio code provided.
3. If you still run into problems please email Elizabeth Nye at with any questions. She will troubleshoot to the best of her ability.
4. To ask questions during the webinar, please type your questions in the box on the right of your screen rather than using the "raise hand" function. We will try to get to as many questions as possible.
The Faith Economy Ecology Transformation Working Group is a loose collaboration of faith-based organizations and individuals committed to an equitable world vision in right relationship with God’s Earth and all humanity.