Every June, human rights and faith organizations join together to mark Torture Awareness Month because on June 26, 1987, the nations of the world took a major step against the immoral and abhorrent practice of torture. On that day, the Convention Against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT for short) entered into force and the United Nations later declared June 26 the “International Day in Support of Victims of Torture.”
Find out more about what your community or congregation can do to learn more about torture and how to end its use by visiting the National Religious Campaign Against Torture (NRCAT), of which Maryknoll is a member.
Resources include a toolkit, in which you will find:
- Ideas for what you can do during the month, including information on ordering “No Doubt, It Was Torture,” NRCAT’s 11-minute film that explains why the faith community cares about making the information about torture public. NRCAT encourages screenings and discussion (study guide available) of the issue by people of faith.
- Worship resources, including sermon notes and prayers, meditations, and poems.
- A factsheet and educational resources on the Senate Intelligence Committee’s Torture Report. The Committee voted on April 3, 2014 to release to the public the report’s 400 page executive summary and findings.
- A bulletin insert with an interfaith prayer on one side and educational material on the other.
- A customizable poster to help you promote Torture Awareness Month.
- A petition for you to use to collect signatures in your congregation or community.
- A link to NRCAT’s action center for you to share with your friends and community.
Some members of our staff share their sentiments on the use of torture and the continued operation of Guantanamo. (L-r: Gerry Lee, Sr. Roni Schweyen, Chloe Schwabe and Eben Levey.)